School age child care located in all the district elementary schools.
Restaurant-quality egg rolls and samosas can be made right in your own kitchen. These appetizers are jammed with flavors from around the world and can be a quick way to incorporate leftovers into something new and fun to eat. Make a variety of egg rolls, samosas and dipping sauces in class. Demonstration, hands-on and tasting. Bring your to-go containers as you will have some leftovers to share with your family.
$20 Supply fee payable to instructor the night of class.
Registration for all class sessions closes 3 days before the start date.
Late Registration: If you miss the deadline but are still interested, you can contact the Community Ed office by emailing us at or calling: 651-604-3770. Space may be limited, but we'll try our best to accommodate late registrations.
Mimi Selam Asfaha