School age child care located in all the district elementary schools.
Epoxy resin art is becoming increasingly popular for a good reason. By mixing liquid resin with a hardener and pouring it into molds or onto surfaces you can create solid, glossy, and durable creative pieces. Once it hardens, the result is a smooth, glass-like finish.
Resin art can be tinted with vibrant colors, and you can embed objects like flowers, pebbles, candy, or even small trinkets and toys. That’s the best part of resin; the possibilities are endless—get ready to let your imagination run wild.
Registration for all class sessions closes 3 days before the start date.
Late Registration: If you miss the deadline but are still interested, you can contact the Community Ed office by emailing us at or calling: 651-604-3770. Space may be limited, but we'll try our best to accommodate late registrations.
Anna Gaseitsiwe