School age child care located in all the district elementary schools.
This class is an extension of Beginning Watercolor I. In this class you will continue with beginning watercolor exercises that were learned in the Beginning I class. You can expect to complete 3-4 paintings. This class is open to any student that has taken the first beginning class from me and anyone who has a basic/general knowledge of watercolor painting. Supply list can be found here.
Course Objective: Plan to experiment and explore the next level of traditional water color painting techniques – In this cases we will be continuing with the lessons from Beginning I class. This class is meant for those who have experience in watercolor painting. Our goal is to have at least 3 excellent paintings by the end of the session. Plan to have at least one group critique about mid way through the session.
Please come prepared to discuss: what art is for you, what makes a good painting, why you want to be a painter, your interest, hobbies, and just all around conversations.
Our first day: We will have brief introductions to include a discussion about our artistic styles. We will discuss what subjects we would like to paint, what specific painting style you would like to explore and other great insights that may arise.
Kevin Kroeber was born and raised in California. He moved to Minnesota in 1982 to study art at the School of the Visual Arts in St Paul. In 1983 he enrolled in the art department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree, Master of Arts Degree, and a Master of Fine Arts Degree. Kevin's trained as an abstract expressionist, but of late, has studied French Realism at the Atelier in Minneapolis, moving toward a more realistic figurative style of drawing and watercolor painting.
Kevin Kroeber
No Class Jan 20
Online registration is over