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3 Results

  • Breaking Through: What's Holding You Back? (Online Class)

    Explore which areas of your life are craving playfulness. Rediscover the art of joy, one playful step at a time. Experience enhanced well-being and relationships, increased positivity, and a revived sense of fulfillment. Registration for all class sessions closes 3 days before the start date. Late Registration: If you miss the deadline but are still interested, you can contact the Community Ed office by emailing us at or calling: 651-604-3770. Space may be limited, but we'll try our best to accommodate late registrations.
  • Declutter Your Mind (Online Class)

    Stop wasting energy on worries beyond your control! Learn to identify and eliminate these draining worries by developing awareness of what you can influence and what you cannot. Break cycle of feeling overwhelmed. Registration for all class sessions closes 3 days before the start date. Late Registration: If you miss the deadline but are still interested, you can contact the Community Ed office by emailing us at or calling: 651-604-3770. Space may be limited, but we'll try our best to accommodate late registrations.
  • Infusing Fun: Bring Playfulness Back (Online Class)

    Explore which areas of your life are craving playfulness. Rediscover the art of joy, one playful step at a time. Experience enhanced well-being and relationships, increased positivity, and a revived sense of fulfillment. Registration for all class sessions closes 3 days before the start date. Late Registration: If you miss the deadline but are still interested, you can contact the Community Ed office by emailing us at or calling: 651-604-3770. Space may be limited, but we'll try our best to accommodate late registrations.